EDI Operations

Exchange Receiving Steps

  1. Use menu selection Exchange ‣ Interchange ‣ Receive to retrieve waiting documents from your trading partners. (Schedule process ECOM_RCV to automate this program step.)

  2. Run the EDI.RECEIVES report from menu Exchange ‣ -Reports to show all errors or exceptions in received data.

    If document exceptions are found, process the records in the receives file, menu selection Exchange ‣ Trading ‣ Receives.

    • Review and print forms for any new errored records, status 1, 2, or 5. FAX or email forms containing errors to trading partners.
    • Edit and correct standards and map errors (status 1 and 2) and post the documents, or set uncorrectable errors to status 0.
    • Post test documents (status 3) by setting their status to 4, if desired.
    • Review documents accepted with errors (status 5), then archive documents from menu (Exchange ‣ Interchange ‣ Archive Accepted).
    • Delete any received documents on status 0 using menu selection Exchange ‣ Interchange ‣ Delete Duplicates.
  3. Select Exchange ‣ Interchange ‣ Transmit to send Functional Acknowledgments of received data back to your trading partners. (Schedule process ECOM_SND to automate this program step.)

  4. Run the EDI.TRANSMITS report from menu Exchange ‣ -Reports and resolve missing functional acknowledgments with your trading partners.

Inventory Management Steps

  1. From the entry menu, query the Receipts Inbound window for receipts with status less than 2. Complete the records, then perform the receiving.
  2. Query the Orders Pending window for orders with status less than 2. Complete or correct the records, posting orders to be shipped.
  3. Process today’s orders into shipments and perform the shipping.

Exchange Sending Steps

  1. At menu selection Exchange ‣ Interchange ‣ Transmit, send Receiving Advice (944) and Shipping Advice (945) response documents. (This step may be automated with the scheduler, process ECOM_SND.)
  2. Run the EDI.EXCHANGES report from menu Exchange ‣ -Reports for today’s exchanges. Verify that all exchanges are complete.

943/944 Warehouse Receiving

When receiving goods on behalf of an account, a warehouse receives advance 943 Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice documents. Once goods are physically received in the warehouse, the account is informed of the actions through transmitted 944 Warehouse Stock Transfer Receipt Advice documents. The basic outline of the receiving process is:

  1. A data receiving step writes held receipts on file
  2. Receipts are reviewed and prepared for tallying
  3. The warehouse performs a physical unloading, tally and putaway
  4. Each receipt is reconciled with the physical tally
  5. Advice documents are transmitted back to the customer account

A full outline of this process is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. 943 / 944 Process Outline.

Step Description Description
A.1 Trading Partner Produce 943 Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment
A.2   Transmit documents
  Exchange Provider (When using an EDI Provider VAN or an FTP site)
B.1 WARES Exchange Receive pending data
B.2   Process data stream into 943 documents in RECEIVES
Validate documents against EDI standards
Write 997 Functional Acknowledgments to TRANSMITS
B.4   Translate accepted 943 documents into held RECEIPTS
C.1 WARES Inventory Print receiving tally forms for held receipts records
C.2 (warehouse) Receive, unload, tally, putaway goods in warehouse
C.3   Finish Receiving, check OSDR, change held to verified
D.1 WARES Exchange Write 944 Stock Transfer Receipt Advice to TRANSMITS
D.2   Transmit documents
  Exchange Provider (When using an EDI Provider VAN or an FTP site)
E.1 Trading Partner Download waiting 944 documents and translate them
E.2   Update inventory and location records

The above 943/944 process has several program steps, but only limited user input is required. This interplay of programs and user entry is documented in the following table.

Table 2. 943 / 944 Chart – Programs, Processes, and User Interactions.

Step Menu Selection of Action Type Name or Description
B.1 Exchange/Interchange/Receive
C.1 Inventory/Receipts
Review Status 0 Receipts
C.2     Unload, tally, putaway
C.3 Inventory/Receipts ENTRY Reconcile and update status
D.2 Exchange/Interchange/Transmit

940/945 Warehouse Shipping

When shipping goods on behalf of an account, a warehouse receives advance 940 Warehouse Shipment Order documents. Once goods are physically shipped from the warehouse, the account is informed of the actions through transmitted 945 Warehouse Shipping Advice documents. The basic outline of the shipping process is:

  1. A data receiving step writes shipping orders on file
  2. Orderss are reviewed against inventory and shipments are built
  3. The warehouse performs physical picking, packing and shipping
  4. Each shipment is reconciled and verified
  5. Advice documents are transmitted back to the customer account

Table 3 outlines how account 940 Warehouse Shipping Order documents are received through EDI and processed in WARES Inventory. Shipments for these orders then generate documents such as the 945 Warehouse Shipping Advice, 204 Motor Carrier Shipment Information, and 856 Ship Notice/Manifest responses which are sent back to the account.

Table 3. 940 / 945 Process Outline.

Step Description Description
A.1 Trading Partner Produce 940 Warehouse Shipping Order documents
A.2   Transmit 940 documents
  Exchange Provider (When using an EDI Provider VAN or an FTP site)
B.1 WARES Exchange Receive pending data at warehouse
B.2   Process data stream into 940 documents in RECEIVES
Validate documents against EDI standards
Write 997 Functional Acknowledgments to TRANSMITS
Translate accepted 940 documents into Pending ORDERS
C.1 WARES Orders
Complete and check Order data
Set problem records to Held status
C.2   Review Held Orders, makes any corrections
C.3   Review product availability per account instructions
C.4   Build Shipments from unfilled Pending Orders
D.1 WARES Inventory
Review Shipment records for completeness
Print Picking Tickets, Bills of Lading, other forms
D.2 (warehouse) Pick, pack, and ship to shipments in the warehouse
D.3   Complete and verify shipment records in WARES
E.1 WARES Exchange
Write 945 Warehouse Shipping Advice to TRANSMITS
Update Pending ORDERS as completed orders
Write other documents: 856 ASN, 204 B/L, et cetera
E.2   Transmit documents
  Exchange Provider (When using an EDI Provider VAN or an FTP site)
F.1 Trading Partner Download waiting documents and translate them
F.2   Update sales order records and invoice shipments

Table 4 charts the user interactions in the above 940/945 process. In step B.1, select Exchange/Interchange/Receive to download EDI documents. This program sequence culminates with orders on file with status 1 or 2.

The warehouse staff corrects and posts entries on held orders in step C.2. Step C.3 reviews posted Orders for product availability per account instructions. Then orders are built into allocated Shipments in step C.4.

In step D.1, allocated shipments are reviewed for completeness and forms are printed. Completed shipments are changed to status 3 (Verified) in step D.3. Finally, response documents are retransmitted in step E.2.

Table 4. 940/945 Chart – Programs / Processes / User Interactions.

Step Menu Selection of Action Type Name or Description
B.1 Exchange/Interchange/Receive
C.2 Inventory/Orders Pending WINDOW Review Status 0,1 Orders
C.3 Inventory/Orders/Review Orders PROGRAM ORDERS.REVIEW
C.4 Inventory/Orders/Build Shipments PROGRAM ORDERS.CALC
D.1 Inventory/Shipments
Review status 1 Shipments
D.2     Pick, pack and ship
D.3 Inventory/Shipments WINDOW Verify complete shipments
E.2 Exchange/Interchange/Transmit

846 Inventory Reporting

The 846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice transaction set allows trading partners to reconcile their inventory with your records.


The Inventory 846 process first displays a Select Details (XQ) collector window. Use the index selection options to specify the criteria for the lots you wish to include in the Advice records. Then press [F9] to create the transaction sets.

Each completed transaction set is written to the TRANSMITS file, and will be sent during the next EDI Transmit. One or more advice transactions will be created depending on the number of lot detail records being reported.

846 Program Notes

Process record EDI_846 controls 846 inventory reporting. 846 reporting could be automated by scheduling this process. The EDI documents are built by program POST_EDI.TRANSMIT. The parameters for this program are:

846: the transaction set identifier, PARTNER_846: the dictionary fieldname that evaluates to a partner key, and DETAILS: the name of the file being processed.

The 846 process selects only inventory lots with quantity greater than zero for reporting, and the lots are sorted by account and then stock number.

The DETAILS dictionary field PARTNER_846 is evaluated for each record to determine the partner identifier, and a reporting break occurs whenever the partner identifier changes. Lot records with a null partner key, without an 846 map, or where the map status is less than 2 will not be reported. (The PARTNER_846 dictionary returns null when an 846 map is not found.)